Clive Grunshaw
For Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner
My Priorities For Lancashire
Domestic Abuse – tackling violence against women and girls; To retain refuges for a safe haven for victims. Fund perpetrator services to get the support to prevent further abuse. To improve victim services and support and build trust from the victims in the police to come forward and report. This is a challenge as at present the conviction rate for reported rape is pitiful and unacceptable at 2%. I will push for national vetting of all police officers.
Visibility – getting our police officers back onto the streets and rebuilding our neighbourhood policing. The Tory PCC has slashed the number of PCSOs and he has put many police officers behind desks rather than on the streets. Despite what he says the service has been significantly degraded. I would never have allowed this to happen and I am committed to rebuilding the public’s trust and confidence in the police.
Prevention – improve early intervention and work with a range of partners to redirect young people away from offending behaviour. There is a strong correlation between deprivation and crime, mental health issues, domestic abuse, antisocial behaviour and nearly all the ills of society.
Value for money – to respect public funding of policing and to ensure that every penny spent is used to deliver the best possible service. To strive once again to regain Lancashire’s rating for being Outstanding for efficiency and use of resources. This also means ensuring that police officers return to the streets doing police work rather than sitting behind desks doing work that could be done better and cheaper by police staff.
Customer experience – improve how residents are dealt with by the police. My aim is to achieve the highest standards in both service delivery and police officer behaviour. For Lancashire to be once again a byword for excellence in policing rather than a fallen or failing police force as some people see it now.
Let’s Get Lancashire’s Policing Back!
Lancashire Police and Crime Commissioner from 2012 – 2021
Bring Back
Clive Grunshaw!